Until we are

together at last

in Zion, let us remain
Zion Bound
Dear Lord...
Merry Christmas!
Today, ZBcast is old enough to vote.

Our Goal

Zion Bound is a Non-For-Profit organization dedicated to assisting the promotion of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

For a number of years our goal was to recreate a pocket-size of the Book of Mormon. To that end we printed t-shirts for the youth camps to raise the funds necessary for the first printing. That project has become a reality and these new pocket-size Books of Mormon are now available for purchase at the Book of Mormon Foundation.

The work that we put into making the index for the pocket-size Book of Mormon drifted into an online search engine.

We have also produced a podcast that is available on iTunes and other podcasting services.

Our projects and interests are as varied as our members. Until we are together at last in Zion, let us remain Zion Bound.